Arcane Hierophant

Arcane hierophants are devotees of nature and traffic in the same circles as druids. These wizards study natural lore and magic. They often prefer elemental and nature spells to other spells, but will leverage the tools they possess to protect the wilds.

Arcane Hierophant Features
Wizard LevelFeature
2ndDruidic Magic, Natural Lore
6thSavant of Nature
10thCompanion Familiar
14thWill of Nature

Druidic Magic

2nd-level Arcane Hierophant feature

You may add two 1st-level druid spells to your spellbook, as well as two cantrips from the druid spell list, one of which must be druidcraft if you don’t already know it. In addition, you can add druid spells to your spellbook the same way you learn new wizard spells. Whenever you learn a new wizard spell from gaining a wizard level, you can also choose from the spells on the druid list. Spells from the druid list in your spellbook, as well as the cantrips added by this feature, count as wizard spells for you.

In addition, you can prepare a number of additional of spells equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 0). The additional spells must be spells in your spellbook and on the druid list.

Only spells from the wizard spell list can be used with the Spell Mastery feature.

Natural Lore

2nd-level Arcane Hierophant feature

You gain proficiency in Nature and learn Druidic, the secret language of druids (described under “Druid” in chapter 3 of the Player’s Handbook).

Savant of Nature

6th-level Arcane Hierophant feature

You have expanded your knowledge and familiarity with the natural world. Choose one of the following skills provided you are already proficient: Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with the chosen proficiency.

Companion Familiar

10th-level Arcane Hierophant feature

You add the find familiar spell to your spellbook and never need material components to cast it. When you cast the spell, you can choose any beast with a CR no higher than 1/4 as the familiar’s form. Any familiar you gain has a number of temporary hit points equal to your level in this class; whenever you finish a long rest, your familiar regains these temporary hit points.

After you cast either a wizard cantrip or use your action to make a spell attack using a wizard spell, you can take a bonus action to allow your familiar to take the Attack action on its turn.

Will of Nature

14th-level Arcane Hierophant feature

When you cast a wizard spell from the druid list using a spell slot no higher than 5th level, you can infuse it with your magical power to treat that spell as if you cast it using a spell slot one level higher. The spell must have a casting time of an action and can’t require a material component with a gold cost. You can do this twice and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.