The Void

Your patron is an enigma, as it is an embodiment of destruction and emptiness, and ultimately nothingness. The Void is a state of inexistence that exists as palpably as the Material Plane. It is the antithesis of all, and the synthesis of the end.

It is unclear to scholars whether warlocks of this patron have contracted with the embodiment of nothing, or whether they draw their power from their own nihilistic beliefs.

The Void Features
Warlock LevelFeature
1stExpanded Spells, Grip of the Void
6thEmpty Self
10thReality Break

Expanded Spells

1st-level Void feature

The Void lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

The Void Expanded Spells
Spell LevelSpells
1stdissonant whispers, sanctuary
2ndblindness/deafness, see invisibility
3rdprotection from energy, slow
4thEvard’s black tentacles, phantasmal killer
5thcloudkill, passwall

Grip of the Void

1st-level Void feature

As a bonus action you summon a void force into a space you can see with 120 feet of you. The void force occupies a 10-foot cube and lasts for 1 minute. Within the cube, a creature must expend an additional 5 feet of movement for each foot moved. At the end of each of your turns, you can use the void space to grapple one creature within it (escape DC equals your spell save DC). The force can only grapple one creature at a time.

As a bonus action, you can move the void force up to 60 feet, or 30 feet if it grapples a creature and you drag the creature with the force.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier

Empty Self

6th-level Void feature

As a bonus action, you can fade from existence, becoming invisible for 10 minutes. Regardless of a creature’s ability to detect invisible targets, it can’t make an opportunity attack against you and has always has disadvantage on attack rolls to hit you. In addition, while in this state, you are immune to divination spells, clairsentience powers, and similar effects that would scry on you or attempt to detect your presence.

You cease being invisible if you make an attack, cast a spell, manifest a power, or take a bonus action to end the effect. You can’t interact with an object while invisible this way.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Realty Break

10th-level Void feature

A creature that ends its turn in contact with the void force from your Grip of the Void feature takes 1d8 force damage.

While your Grip of the Void feature is active, when you are targeted by a ranged attack or the magic missile spell or similar effect that fires a projectile that doesn’t require an attack roll, you can take a reaction to shift a portion of the void force to protect you. The attack automatically fails and deals no damage. Moreover, any ammunition used for the attack is destroyed.


14th-level Void feature

As an action, you conjure into being a “null space” within 60 feet of you. Up to eight 5-foot contiguous cubes of space are removed from existence. Any unattended object within the area is destroyed. A creature within the null space or that attempts to enter it, is shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or become poisoned for 1 hour from having it existence torn. Immunity to the poisoned condition doesn’t prevent the condition from this feature unless the creature has a CR greater than 20. A poisoned creature can use its action to make a new saving throw, ending the condition for it on a success, as it reassembles its connection to existence.

Null space is empty and can be seen through, but it can’t be entered or passed through, serving as full cover. An unattended object thrown into the space winks out of existence, but isn’t destroyed. After 10 minutes, the null space is restored to normal; objects that winked out of existence return to the point they disappeared, but destroyed objects don’t return. Only a wish spell or similar effect can restore an object destroyed by this feature. At the DM’s discretion, certain magical items may be transported to another plane of existence, such as the Astral Plane or the Far Realm, rather than be permanently destroyed.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.