Training a Beast

Training a beast is a downtime activity. It requires access to the beast within a safe and comfortable environment. The beast must be domesticated, and it helps if the beast has a neutral or friendly attitude toward you. To train the beast, you don’t need to have been the person that tamed it.

Training a Beast

With dedicated time and resources, a domesticated beast can be trained. A beast must be kept in captivity during the training.
    Resources. The amount of time and resources for taming a beast depends on how large the beast is and its challenge rating.
    The beast must be kept well fed, requiring feed cost for every day it is captive, and double the normal amount during the training time. Herbivores require 5 cp of feed each day (10 cp each day during training), while carnivores require 2 sp of feed each day (4 sp each day during training). If the creature is Tiny, the feed costs can be reduced to half, while a Large beast requires three times the cost, and a Huge beast requires ten times the cost. A Gargantuan beast can’t be trained under normal circumstances as it is too large to properly handle.
    You will also have to pay the price for holding and keeping the beast. This requires an additional 3 gp each week the beast is held for maintenance, supervision, and land usage fees.
    The time required to train a beast with a CR of 1/2 or less is 5 workweeks. A beast with a CR of 1 or higher requires 5 + 5 times its CR workweeks. Certain behaviors modify a beast’s CR for the purpose of training time and DC. If the beast is still a child, halve the required time (rounded up). If the creature is hostile, double the adjusted time.
    Resolution. At the end of each consecutive workweek, make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If you don’t have proficiency with Animal Handling, you make this check with disadvantage. The DC for this check is equal to 10 + the beast’s modified CR + the beast’s behavior modifier. If the beast is hostile, increase the DC by 5. If the beast isn’t well fed, the check automatically fails. If the check succeeds, you can advance training one week or change the beast’s attitude to neutral.
    Once you have completed the training process, the beast’s attitude toward you and a number of creatures you choose equal to your proficiency bonus is friendly. At this point, the beast gains the following commands: Advance, Follow, Return, Wait. Moreover, the beast gains one training role as described under Training Roles.
    Repetition. You can repeat the training process to teach the beast one additional training role or to retrain one of its roles to replace with a different one. A beast can only learn one role plus a number of additional roles equal to 5 + its Intelligence modifier. A beast can only gain one new proficiency from its training roles, and when you complete a new training, you can replace its learned proficiency with the one associated with the new role. If you retrain a beast’s role, it loses any proficiency and commands gained from that role unless the new role shares them.
    Complications. During the training, it is common for the beast to lapse to its feral habits. Every 5 workweeks spent training a beast has a 10 percent chance of causing a complication.

Training Complications
1An interested buyer seeks to possess your beast.*
2The beast has suffered an injury or infection and needs time to recover. An infection could spread to other beasts, causing burden to other owners who may demand compensation.
3The beast has reverted to its feral roots and caused an incident that could have resulted in damage to a creature or property or even the death of another creature.
4The beast escapes its confines and has to be tracked and recaptured.
5Someone claims your beast has cause an incident and demands its removal.*
6A beast tamer approaches you with the opportunity of expanding your beast stock, either through capturing more beasts or breeding trained ones.*

*Might involve a rival.

Taming Nonbeasts

The DM may allow other creatures to be tamed. In these cases, the time it takes to train and tame the creature is longer (multiply the training time by up to 10) depending on how long it takes the beast to mature. Feed costs for the creature are likely to be higher, especially if the creature requires a more exotic or specialized diet. It is also much harder to break and tame nonbeasts; increase the DC of Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks by 10.

Monstrosities and other creatures are also more prone to attacking humanoids and domesticated beasts, leading to more severe results when the creature is lose or causes an incident. A creature with high Intelligence and Charisma can actively stymie attempts to tame it, increasing the DC of Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks by the higher of the creature’s Intelligence or Charisma bonus. If the creature has an alignment proclivity*, it may also prove harder to tame, as it is unlikely to change alignments which can cause it to oppose commands and ignore training.

Nonbeast creatures can also require additional restraints to keep in captivity. Other humanoids are likely to also be very uncomfortable around a creature generally regarded as a monster, so complications can more easily arise where a population is hostile to the creature’s presence.

*If following looser alignment mechanics, it is reasonable for a creature to change alignments or simply not have an alignment at all.