Wrath Domain

Clerics of the Wrath Domain seek out gods that are often exacting and demanding of faith from their followers, offering divine punishment for those who stray from the path. In some cases, these gods may be primordial deities with province over natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, that must be appeased through worship to avert ruin.

Wrath Domain Features
Cleric LevelFeature
1stDomain Spells, Bonus Proficiencies, Wrath
2ndChannel Divinity: Heretical Brand
8thDivine Strike
17thFlames of Consecration

Domain Spells

1st-level Wrath Domain feature

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Wrath Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class feature in the Player’s Handbook for how domain spells work.

Wrath Domain Spells
Cleric LevelSpell
1stbane, wrathful smite
3rdblindness/deafness, shatter
5thblinding smite, fear
7thblight, wall of fire
9thgeas, insect plague

Bonus Proficiencies

1st-level Wrath Domain feature

You gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.


1st-level Wrath Domain feature

Whenever you take weapon damage from a creature, you can use your reaction to gain a Wrath Charge, which must be spent before the end of your next turn. You can use your Wrath Charge to cast the wrathful smite spell without expending a spell slot or to increase the level a smite spell is cast as one slot level higher than the slot you expend to cast it. You can cast the spell at a higher effective level than you can normally can when using this feature.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Channel Divinity: Heretical Brand

2nd-level Wrath Domain feature

You can use your Channel Divinity to mark one foe which has damaged you or an ally within the last hour as a bonus action. Whenever you deal damage to a marked target, you reroll any damage die roll of 1, keeping the new roll.


6th-level Wrath Domain feature

Once each turn while you are concentrating on a spell, when a creature deals damage to you, you can choose to have it take damage equal to your Wisdom modifier of the same type as the damage dealt to you. You add your Wisdom modifier to your Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration until the end of the turn.

Divine Strike

8th-level Wrath Domain feature

You gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Flames of Consecration

17th-level Wrath Domain feature

As an action you can shroud yourself in divine flame for 1 minute plus any time you spend concentrating on a spell while this feature is in effect. For the duration you have damage immunity to fire. At the start of each of your turns, each target that is within 5 feet of you that you choose must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier fire or radiant damage (your choice). A target reduced to 0 hit points burns in divine fire, taking the damage again at the start of each of its turns for three rounds.

Once you use this feature, you can’t using it again until you finish a long rest.